1). Can you give us a basic summary? My book is an accumulation
of my perceptions of how I perceive 12 topics that are what are most impartment to me. They are all universal
to this world. The topics include: Housewives, Family, Media, Politicians, Gangs, Criminal Justice System, Marriage,
Child Rearing, Education, Money, Religion and Lifestyle.
2). How long did it take you to write it from start to finish? Basically
the writing took about 45 days. The rest of the process took a few more months to get to the shelves.
3). Are there any authors or books who inspired you as a writer?
There is one author that gave me the boost in getting the book written and that was Sidney Poitier. After reading his
recent book The measure of a man I was truly inspired and felt the time was right for writing my book. My grandchildren
were also an inspiration to finish the book. It is important to have this in writing for their future reading and to
see the kind of family from which they came from. It was also important for them to read the kinds of things their grandmother
felt strongly about and how she really was from growing up to present.
4). Do you keep a strict writing schedule? That I do, I write between
8 and 10 hours a day. I write everyday and sometimes on the weekends if there are no special functions that require
my appearance.
5). Who is your target audience? The targeted audience is actually
all women and men that still believe in old fashion values and ways of doing things in and around the family. Even teen
girls could learn from this book. We have too many women going out into the real world and are at a loss at keeping
house and maintaining a home and family and how to juggle the two.
6). What are some of your favorite books? Believe it or not my favorite
books are those written by two different authors. James Patterson the Alex Cross Series and John Grisham. They
keep me so engrossed in what they have to say that I literally forget about anything and everything around me while reading
their books.
7). Favorite authors/poets? My favorite authors are as said earlier,
James Patterson and John Grisham and my totally favorite poet is Joyce Kilmer and the poem "A Tree". I had to memorize
that poem one year while in grade school and it has stuck with me all these years and it still cheers me up when the weather
is gloomy.
8). What would you like your readers to know about you? I guess
that would be that I am extremely opinionated and I believe in old fashion values and applications of life in almost everything.
I do however bring new ways of applications into my life only if it is beneficial. I am really very strict in my routines.
I have a very healthy ideology when it comes to friendship and family. I believe family is the only ones you can truly
depend on in a crisis. I believe that truly good friends never let one another down. They are there when needed
and don't judge you, but provide suggestions to help when needed.
9). What are you working on now? I am working on two different books
at the same time. One is a Murder Mystery, and the other is a story I really feel needs to be told and it involves family.
10). Any tips for aspiring writers? Yes as a matter of fact I do.
Go for it. If you think what you have to say is truly important and you work at it hard enough and have great faith
in it then you need to take the risk of letting it be published. There are a lot of people out there that write and
sometimes they set it to the side as a hobby. Then you have others that really have something that is important and
extremely interesting to say and never try to get it published. It takes determination, structure in your writing routine
and lots of patience. There is help out there, if you look for it and there is also support. Whether that come
from family, friends or that of other authors.