1. Can you give us brief summaries of Echoes of an Era, Hugs and Kisses, and The Story Box?
Echoes of an Era is a book of prose from different Eras in my life. It may also be many who can relate
with the poems it contains.Hugs and Kisses is a book really for parents to use as a tool to speak to their children
or any child about sexual abuse, and The Story Box is a book of short stories filled with adventure, mystery and
magic written for children.
2. How long did it take you to write each book?
The time it took to write each book? Echoes of an Era I started at sixteen and completed just this past
year, where Hugs and Kisses and The Story Box were both completed in a month's time each.
3. What kind of research did you do for any of your books?
Hugs and Kisses was written with research. It's heart wrenching that sixty percent of children are
abused by family members and forty percent of them are abused by older or larger children.
4. What authors have inspired you?
The authors who inspired me the most was Maya Angelou and Laurence Dunbar.
5. Do you keep a strict writing schedule?
My writing schedule starts around 9 and go on for two hours, then it's stop and go the rest of the day as ideas come
to me.
6. Who is your target audience?
I write for everyone (smile)
7. What are some of your favorite books?
My favorite books are "Rhythm Of My Soul" by Leigha Hoffner, Succeeding Against The Odds, by John
H. Johnson, Gifted Hands by Ben Carson, These Eyes by Jonny Bodley just to name a few.
8. What would you like your readers to know about you?
I'd like my readers to know that I'm a writer that keeps all in mind. I like to give something to everyone.
9. What are you working on now?
I'm now working on a book for young adults which is more a romance, something I'm trying for the first time. And another
book of poetry. I hope to have them completed by spring of this year.
10. Any advice for aspiring writers?
What I would tell aspiring writers is if you have a goal don't be deferred from it. We all have been blessed with
special qualities and if theirs is writing then dig deep and let your heart speak it.