- Can you give us a basic summary of Secrets
from a Trunk?
Secrets from a Trunk takes place around the late 1800s in the southern regions
of Louisiana,
New York, Vermont, Illinois,
and France.
Colorful personalities of six women come alive revealing deceiving
lifestyles, through romance, history, suspense, and murder. Readers are entertained,
touching every emotion as this story takes twists and turns when least expected. Elizabeth,
a stunning Southern lady; Tinne', a striking Creole with grace; Miriam, a successful English woman
who uses sex to her advantage; Rosina, a Sicilian lady, brings humor and determination to
the story; and Isabella, a Latino country club girl attracts gigolos. Alexandra,
a sophisticated New Englander, who earned her own fortune, takes part in a deceptive act while her husband, Andrew becomes
actively involved in thoroughbred horse racing. Hard lessons are learned as secrets
unfold. One of the young ladies is arrested for murder and is incarcerated without
bail as the others pull together in her defense.
- How long did it take you to write from start to finish?
Couple of years part-time. (Working full time)
- Did you do any research while writing? If so, what kind?
A lot of research was done in creating Secrets From A Trunk.
Traveling, researching history and interviewing several people from within the US and other parts of the world.
- Are there any authors or books who inspired you as a writer?
Alfred Hitchcock
- Do you keep a strict writing schedule?
- Who is your target audience?
Women and men from the ages of 20 and older.
- What are some of your favorite books?
History, biographies of interesting people and documentaries.
- What would you like your readers to know about you?
Learn from everyone you meet, enjoy life and be humble. I enjoy people, life, history and traveling.
- What are you working on now?
Secrets From A Trunk sequel.
- Any tips for aspiring writers?
Take a lot of creative writing, keep focus and never give up on your dreams.