1. Can you give us a basic summary of
Well Chris, Dusty is a story written for all pet lovers and children. It's the story of a little
boy who finds a three month old abandoned kitten, he adopts her and so began the adventures of Dusty and the great love
a little boy has for his cat.
2. How long did it take to write from start to finish ?
It only took me three months to write. You see Dusty is based on my cat. I sat down one day and thought of all the
antics she created and the many adventures she got into. Plus it was written from the viewpoint of a little boy, that
being based on me at eight years old and the great love I have for animals. I'm very happy the way it turned out.
3. Did you research while writing, and if so what kind?
Chris, I didn't research my book. It was written from the heart and the memories of a pet I love very much and the
great joy she has brought me in six years. This year Dusty will be eight years old.
4. Are their any authors or books who inspired you as a writer ?
Well Chris, believe it or not, when I was in the 4th grade I had a teacher, Mrs. Siegel, she got you into reading;
after that I became a ferocious reader and when I was a teenager I used to write poetry. Now I love writing stories.
As a kid I loved reading Stranger Than Strange by Frank Edwards.
5. Do you keep a strict writing schedule ?
I do work full time and it's very difficult, I try to write when I have free time. I usually will re-read what I
have wrote and try to continue, I have a strange way of doing it: I stare at the computer screen and try to envision
it as a movie and let me imagination run wild, sometimes it does work...
6. Who is your target audience?
I feel anyone from ten to one hundred would enjoy my writing. I especially love when I get notes from readers
that they, their children have loved reading Dusty and it touched them very much and their children want to
know when will their be a sequel; to me it comes from their hearts and their words warm my heart...
7. What are some of your favorite books?
Let's see, I love " The Grapes Of Wrath," l love reading biographies, anything on gardening (I'm a big garden fan),
cooking, art, photography.
8. What would you like your readers to know about you ?
I have many loves besides writing: I love to paint on canvas (many of my paintings have been donated to children
and pet charities to raise money). I love photography (on my website:
http://www.freewebs.com/jfrankbaraba, you can see my photography). Plus I'm donating a portion of my book proceeds to The Doris Day Animal Foundation
because Miss Day has a great love of animals and she has done so much great work in helping animals through her foundation.
9. What are you working on now ?
I have been trying to write a sequel to Dusty titled The Adventures Of Dusty. I'm
hoping it will be finished in 2008.
10. Any tips for aspiring writers?
Yes, write, write and don't give up ! Believe in yourself.