Christopher M. Lawson
Heather McAlendin
An interview I conducted with Heather McAlendin, author of Wicked Dreams, which was published by PublishAmerica.
Wicked Dreams |

Heather McAlendin |
- Can you give us a basic summary of Wicked Dreams?
In surviving the aftermath of her sister’s sudden and violent death, Connie Weiler is forced from
the safety of her home and family by provocative and disturbing dreams. Through these dreams a mysterious
and dangerous occult leader reveals himself to her.
Will Connie have the courage to face her fears and discover what lies beneath her dreams or will they
and this mysterious “dream man” destroy her and any chance she has at life and love?
Connie must reach beyond her understanding of the natural world, renew her faith and go beyond her own
reality to discover her wildest dreams come true.
- How long did it take you to write from start to finish? - 6 months
- Did you do any research while writing? If so, what kind? - basic internet research on the occult
and research on German phrases and language
- Are there any authors or books who inspired you as a writer? - I enjoy books that have strong
female characters. There is no one author that inspired me as I read so many genres. But I do appreciate stories that have
flawed characters and come to some revelation about themselves through the process of revelation in the story.
- Do you keep a strict writing schedule? - I try to write for a few hours every day. Some
days I get whole chapters written, other days I may write a paragraph or two.
- Who is your target audience? - I write for adults between the ages of 18 to ????; specifically
readers who enjoy fantasy fiction.
- What are some of your favorite books? - The Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind;
Dragons of Perns Series by Anne McCaffery; The Left Behind Series by Christian authors Tim Lahaye and Jerry
- What would you like your readers to know about you? - I am a sister, mother, wife and friend.
Writing is an extension of who I am as a creative person. I sometimes get up in the middle of the night after a dream and
write it down. You never know where a story idea may come from.
- What are you working on now? - Prequel to Wicked Dreams called Nicholea
- Any tips for aspiring writers? - Write about what you know and what you love. Don't let anyone
dissuade you from reaching your goals and making your dreams come true.
For more information, please see Heather's website at www.mcalendin.com.
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"A writer's job is to always entertain in the best sense
of the word."
Sue Grafton
The Armchair Detective
(C) 2007-2008 - Christopher M. Lawson